Luis and the crew are removing the last of the lovely fake rock under a beautiful Colorado sky.
The subpanel in the lower mechanical room is hot.
Jeff is perusing the first light fixture order (recessed cans mostly) temporarily stored in bedroom #3.
The rock behind bath #3 will soon be hidden from view. This is the bathroom which seems best suited for a sauna.
The view down the downstairs hall from the entry, the first room is bedroom #3.
Lou Thackston of Eric Smith Associates, PC -our architects- visits the jobsite to help verify the windows will be ordered correctly.
The northeast view from the Billiard loft.
Mark of Schottenfenster, Lou and Roy discuss the window options for the west side of the Billiard Loft.
The Great Room fireplace wall as seen from the Billiard Loft (the stairs in the previous photo are to the left).
The stairs from the East Master Bedroom suite to the Great Room are finished making it much easier to move through the house.
Another trash pick-up: the staff at Western Disposal has been amazing. The well-dressed gentleman came along this time to help guide the full truck down the drive. Of course, the driver seems pretty able to handle the long back-up down following the hairpin turn.
Sullivan Septic's backhoe operator was kind enough to help celan up some of the debris accumulated in the driveway.
Friday, May 14, 2010
It snowed again this week, followed by lots of rain; brrrrr, we're ready for more spring-like weather.
The PV/solar electric array will be on the hill side to the far left of the house as shown by the orange cones to the left of the play structure.
Here the orange cones are more visible. The white house in the fore ground does not have windows to the rear and shouldn't be too impacted.
Rough electric started this week. Jeff is working on running wire to the receptacles in the office.
A view of the kitchen back wall which will house from L to R, trash compactor, recycling center, dishwasher #1, sink, dishwasher #2, microwave & built-in & plumbed coffee maker.
Chris is measuring for the microwave circuit installation.
Working on the Great Room wet bar. You have to be agile to do this kind of work - Tony & Greg sure are.
Plumbing has begun this week on the east end of the house (Master bath shower & toilet & lower level bath).
Roy's on-site "office" is a busy place. The only room with heat, it is everyone's favorite lunch spot as well.
Friday, May 7, 2010
It's CU graduation day and Boulder is bustling. A dusting of snow overnight has left the area sparkling.
Office support/blogger Dinah drops in to check out the progress & chat with Project Manager Roy.
Mr Marmot (the real supervisor) keeps track of comings and goings.
The schedule posted were all can see and be inspired.
The opening for the new stairs to the lower level required shoring up of the floor (the stairs in the background will be removed).
Safety equipment, permit, everything in its place.
It takes about 40 minutes to briskly hike from Mapleton to 19 Arrowleaf - up Sanitas Valley trail, down Cedar Brook Lane, and Linden and up Arrowleaf Ct and the 1/4 mile driveway.
Views along the way on a beautiful May day.
The driveway entry of 19 Arrowleaf Ct as seen from Cedar Brook Lane.