Friday, July 30, 2010

Another beautiful blue sky day. Perfect for going ballooning over Boulder.

Or you could be roofing at the lofty heights of 19 Arrowleaf as Jeremy and Martin of Black Roofing Inc chose to do. These two are doing a fantastic job.

The Great Room deck has been water-proofed.

Ride 'em cowboy! The den micropiles are another logistical challenge. These will be anchored 30' into the bedrock and tightened by turnbolt. The new den window is visible in the back of the photo next to where the wall has been opened to let in light. It will also bring in lots of light when finished.

The entry work is completed.

Dusty and noisy!

Friday, July 23, 2010

This week's schedule included tree thinning and trimming. The crew from Blue River Forestry & Tree Care worked hard to spruce up the property.

The tree that grew through the roof was removed. The remaining hole in the roof will be patched next week.

The equipment for the micropile installation arrived earlier in the week. Coggins & Sons is our contractor for this important work.

Roy rented a fan to attempt to keep the dust out of the house.
The micropile installation has finally begun.

The site for the future elevator shaft is one area that will receive anchoring by mircopile.

Getting the machinery in place took team work by the Coggins & Sons crew.

Meet Frank Harrison of Michael West & Associates, our geotech gurus. He was on site to supervise the installation of the micropiles.

Installing micropiles at the rear of the entry where the second landing will be.

The Great Room Deck is ready for water-proofing.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

The deck is being framed over the new I-beams.

Photos of the I-beams for the deck expansion show the patina/rusting. Depending on the final look desired, the beams could be 1) sanded and clear-coated to prevent patina formation, 2) left natural to allow patina, or 3) painted to match other exposed metal surfaces.

The I-beams for the Great Room deck expansions arrived and are being
hoisted into place and secured.

The crew from Arc City completed the installation.

The Ipe decking is being sealed prior to installation.

Part of the preperation includes a light sanding.

Joquin and Neil of Pratt Painting are our Ipe prep crew.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Peter's mansion - oops, wrong castle.

(This is actually Bishop's castle built over the last 40 years near Wetmore, Colo by one person)

The extended Great Room deck. The deck will be huge once the continuation is added. The I-beam will stay exposed & will be painted to match the new entry roof and the new I-beam for the double garage door.